Name Sym Prev Open High Low Last Trade Change Last Update
CORN  Mar 25 @C5H 493'4 493'0 499'6 492'4 496'4 2'6 1:19P Feb 14
CORN  May 25 @C5K 506'0 505'2 512'0 505'0 509'0 2'6 1:19P Feb 14
CORN  Jul 25 @C5N 509'0 508'4 514'0 508'0 511'2 2'2 1:19P Feb 14
CORN  Sep 25 @C5U 474'6 474'0 477'4 474'0 475'2 0'4 1:19P Feb 14
CORN  Dec 25 @C5Z 472'6 472'0 474'4 472'0 473'2 0'2 1:19P Feb 14
OATS  Mar 25 @O5H 331'6 333'0 344'0 333'0 340'6 5'6 1:19P Feb 14
OATS  May 25 @O5K 338'0 338'6 348'6 338'6 344'6 3'6 1:19P Feb 14
OATS  Jul 25 @O5N 344'6 352'2 354'0 349'0 350'2 3'4 1:15P Feb 14
OATS  Sep 25 @O5U 340'4 366'0 3'4 1:15P Feb 14
OATS  Dec 25 @O5Z 349'0 352'6 3'6 1:15P Feb 14
SOYBEANS  Mar 25 @S5H 1030'0 1030'0 1046'6 1029'4 1036'6 6'0 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEANS  May 25 @S5K 1047'0 1047'0 1062'4 1046'4 1053'4 5'6 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEANS  Jul 25 @S5N 1063'0 1063'0 1077'0 1062'2 1069'2 5'2 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEANS  Aug 25 @S5Q 1060'4 1060'6 1073'0 1060'0 1066'0 5'0 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEANS  Sep 25 @S5U 1043'4 1044'2 1055'4 1043'2 1050'2 6'4 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEANS  Nov 25 @S5X 1045'2 1045'0 1057'2 1044'6 1052'4 6'6 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEAN MEAL  Mar 25 @SM5H 2927 2927 3005 2921 2954 32 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEAN MEAL  May 25 @SM5K 3008 3008 3084 3002 3035 32 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEAN MEAL  Jul 25 @SM5N 3077 3078 3149 3072 3103 30 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEAN MEAL  Aug 25 @SM5Q 3097 3112 3165 3092 3122 29 1:19P Feb 14
SOYBEAN MEAL  Sep 25 @SM5U 3107 3108 3172 3101 3132 29 1:19P Feb 14
LIVE CATTLE  Feb 25 @LE5G 199.550 199.675 200.075 197.575 197.725 - 1.800 1:04P Feb 14
LIVE CATTLE  Apr 25 @LE5J 196.525 196.675 197.050 194.000 194.500 - 2.275 1:04P Feb 14
LIVE CATTLE  Jun 25 @LE5M 192.425 192.450 192.875 190.250 190.700 - 1.975 1:04P Feb 14
LIVE CATTLE  Aug 25 @LE5Q 190.425 190.725 190.825 188.475 189.000 - 1.650 1:04P Feb 14
LIVE CATTLE  Oct 25 @LE5V 191.550 191.600 191.950 189.900 190.425 - 1.350 1:04P Feb 14
LIVE CATTLE  Dec 25 @LE5Z 192.550 192.575 192.850 190.975 191.500 - 1.275 1:04P Feb 14

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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  496'4
Change:  2'6
Bid:  496'4
Ask:  496'4
Today's High:  499'6
Today's Low:  492'4
Volume:  177,945
Open:  493'0
Settle:  496'2s
Prev:  493'4
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Feb-14-2025
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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Posted at Friday, February 14, 2025 12:15PM CST
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